Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I change my password?
Click on the 'Change password' link at the top right of the screen and follow the
- Nothing happens when I view my reports
Your browser may require you to give permission to download PDF files. Please check
for notifications at the top of your screen when you click on the View button.
- I get an error message when I view my reports
You may be trying to download a report that does not contain any data for the selected
period. Please check with your Property Manager.
- Can anyone else see my reports?
The only way to access your reports is to log in via this website using the login
details provided to you by your property manager. As a precaution it is recommended
that you do not share these login details with anyone.
- I paid rent earlier today over the counter at the real estate office. When will
that rent payment appear on my ledger?
The information on the current tenant ledger is updated automatically when the transaction
is processed by the real estate agency. If the rent payment is not reflected on
your ledger please contact your property manager.
- I paid my rent over the internet 2 days ago. When will that rent payment appear
on my ledger?
The information on the current tenant ledger is updated automatically when the transaction
is processed by the real estate agency. Payments that were made electronically (EFT,
BPAY) will show on your ledger when the transaction appears on the real estate agency's
bank statement and after it has been processed by them. Payments made electronically
on Fridays, weekends or public holidays can take longer to appear on the ledger.
- What type of transactions will I be able to see on my reports?
The information that is available from this portal website is a duplicate of what
is usually mailed to you by your property manager.
- I did not receive an email with my password
If the email is not in your Junk Mailbox, please call your Property Manager to make
sure they have your updated email address
- The website does not display correctly on my screen
Your browser may need to be updated. The website is optimised for: